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Writer's pictureRubyPlum

Why RubyPlum

Updated: Aug 3, 2020

Kia Ora, here at RubyPlum we are getting very close to publishing our first children's picture book - 'The Boss of the River'.

In the meantime time we will give you a little background about our name. As per all good names, it is often a collaboration of brilliant minds or in our case collaboration of family minds with a little special meaning behind the final decision.

At RubyPlum we love #AllThingsGood.

There was a plum on our bench and a young lad in our family, Oakley, thought PLUMBLE would be a good name, I liked that a lot, but it wasn't to be.

If you are a Miranda fan you will know that Plum is a great word! say it slowly, P-L-U-M, it has a strong start with the P, a playful L, the U means you have to pronounce your vowels like your teacher might have told you and the final M completing the word with a strong softness. All sound a bit insane? yes probably, but, we like language, we like words and we like FUN.

Plum reminds us of the 'Fruits of the Spirit' - Love, Joy, Peace etc, google them, they are all GOOD things. So we went with Plum - after many versions of ...PLUM....Move forward to the final decision..

Wisdom is gained from knowledge and to gain more knowledge, we experience, we listen and we read. Wisdom is more precious than rubies...

RubyPlum Begins...

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